Quieres ResultadosExtraordinarios?
Focus on the human side of business.
A leader’s behavior can & will impact the way your employees feel about your organization, how teams perform, and ultimately the results that are produced. Having a sense of belonging is a basic human need and the foundation of team engagement.
Quieres Mejores resultados?
Focus on the human side of business.
A leader’s behavior can & will impact the way people feel about your organization, how teams work, and ultimately the results that are produced. Having a sense of belonging is a basic human need and the foundation of workforce engagement.
We provide a simple, yet dynamic experience that develops leaders and their teams. Every program is designed to gain insight into the impact of behaviors on the team. Our framework focuses on building and reinforcing relationships and improving communication and alignment that will drive performance results. Each process is facilitated in a respectful matter and in a safe space to allow for personal and team growth.
what we do
Leadership Playbook
Not getting the results you want? How you show up every single day matters to your team and it will impact how they achieve results. Creating an environment of belonging and engagement starts with developing savvy leaders who know how to connect, drive, and thrive.
Team Building
This is not your typical “let’s go bowling” team builder event. Our team builders are custom-built to focus on the behaviors needed for the team to be successful with each other and within the organization.
One on One Coaching
Feeling stuck? The coaching process will help leaders improve their performance by developing the leadership competencies that give them new perspectives, empower them, and increase confidence, and overall satisfaction.
Team Development
Ready to have some fun and get re-energized? Does your team need to reconnect with team members locally or globally? Get on the same page and save time in relationship building by understanding each team member’s style and the strengths they bring to the team.
Team Coaching
Is your team in need of some fine-tuning? This is a powerful process designed for teams to increase performance and work towards sustainable results and ongoing development.
New Leader Assimilation
Are you taking over for a new team? Get up to speed quickly and build relationships with your team as you quickly integrate as a leader, align expectations, and build trust with your team.
20 years of bringing out the brilliance of leaders and their teams. Watch the journey!
Claudia Mino,PH.D
For the last 20 years of my career, I have partnered with leaders to focus on culture transformation, team dynamics, leadership development, and employee engagement. I have worked with hundreds of leaders who have allowed me to build and execute programs that build strong networks of connections, collaboration, and trust needed to drive impactful organizational results.
The energy I bring coupled with my down-to-earth approach, sprinkled with my humor and storytelling, captivates my audience and keeps them engaged. I grab my audience by the heart to inspire them to grow as leaders in their personal and professional lives. The safe environment I create allows for a relaxed environment for self-discovery, reflection, and a mind shift to occur.
I was born in Lima, Peru, I love to travel, learn about new cultures, and engage in foodie culinary experiences. My husband and I are proud paw parents of our senior dog rescues.

Mind Cultivator originated out of my passion for working closely with leaders and teams who seek the opportunity to step up and show up. I believe that vulnerability and trust are the strong foundation of growth. I lead by getting to the heart of behaviors that build a leadership mindset needed to bring out each person’s brilliance, so they have a positive impact on others. I cultivate the minds of leaders to build a strong organizational shift that breaks down silos, builds relationships, and develops collaboration between teams, increasing overall organizational effectiveness.
“Claudia is a masterclass in developing and delivering talent programs that accelerate growth both in high-performance individuals and the business. A dedicated and driven thought leader with the highest of academic credentials, Claudia’s energy & dedication to igniting the potential in others is a source of inspiration to everyone in her sphere of influence. Working with Claudia is an absolute career highlight for me, and I’m excited for the impact she will continue to have.”
Andrea Clark, Author and Founder, Future Fit Learning.