Leadership Playbook

Your leaders’ actions and behaviors have far more impact on your team than you realize.

A Workplace Culture of Belonging, Engagement, and Retention Starts With Leaders Who know How to Connect, Drive, And Thrive.

The MIND CULTIVATOR LEADERSHIP PLAYBOOK underscores the pivotal role of a leader in fostering a sense of belonging within their team culture. Statistically, a sense of belonging is proven to increase engagement, productivity, and retention.

Based on our MIND CULTIVATOR BELONGING FRAMEWORK, the Leadership Playbook is a series of interconnected, intensive masterclasses which support leaders in shifting their mindset to belonging-based behaviors which drive an engaged team culture: rapport, shared purpose, impactful engagement, and commitments to results.

This interactive leadership program provides leaders with the tools they need to build their leadership capacities so they can more positively impact sustained employee engagement and performance. The masterclasses are a safe space in which leaders can gain self-awareness about their communication and leadership style and how they can foster a team culture of belonging. This program promotes relationship-building and collaboration among participants and sets leaders up to immediately implement what they’ve learned.

My aha moment was realizing that I was doing some of the same things that I did not like my managers doing. I am committed to being more self-aware and making sure that the shadow I cast is collaborative and influences my team positively.

I gained so much from the Leadership program; I’m a better manager, peer, wife, and mother because of this program. I’m able to show my vulnerabilities, accept who I am in business while pushing the boundaries and ask for what I want all at the same time.

Claudia’s passion and wisdom shine through in her work on leadership development. I have benefited greatly by being part of one of the programs that Claudia delivered, and it has transformed the way I think about work and leadership at work.

Book with mind cultivator if you want to:

  • attract and retain high potentials.
  • encourage networking and collaboration across teams, organizations, and time zones.
  • foster your leadership resilience, agility, openness, and innovation.
  • build leadership behaviors that support safety and quality programs.
  • access leadership tools that will immediately impact organizational culture and productivity.